Federally Recognized Clergy

Ordained Clergy at your Service:

M.A.G.I.C. is a federally recognized 501c3 non-profit religious organization. Because we hold this special status, it is possible for us to legally ordain clergy. Our clergy members provide spiritual counseling, conduct weddings, coming-of-age ceremonies, and memorial services. Many are trained in Divination Arts. M.A.G.I.C. Clergy are also available for celebrations and spiritual observation of holy days, and other personal spiritual rituals.

Our ordination standards are more strict than most pagan churches, requiring that the candidate show leadership and responsibility skills within the community. Our priests and priestesses have experience you can trust.  Many members of M.A.G.I.C. teach life skills and have unique services to provide, so be sure to check the Clergy Directory below for a full listing of services and contact information.


Interested in Becoming Clergy?

If you wish to be ordained, please download the ordination packet, read it entirely, fill it in, and return it to M.A.G.I.C. via email to Sienna@spiralrhythms.org, or postal mail to M.A.G.I.C., 6715 NE 63rd Street, #103-130, Vancouver, WA 98661.

There is a $40 applilcation fee that can be sent with a check via snailmail, or via Paypal to Sienna @spiralrhythms.org, after notifying us that the payment is coming. Approval process requires unanimous approval of all Directors on the Board. Please allow at least 12 weeks for approval.

Clergy Directory

Our clergy members are required to meet minimum standards of teaching, leadership, and personal growth of their own spiritual work. They have also stood in formal ceremony to declare their dedication to the community.  We offer the same services to the public as one would expect to find at any larger temple, like weddings, marking personal milestones, and spiritual guidance.

Sienna Newcastle



High Clergy, original founding member of MAGIC.  Counseling, handfastings, rites of passage, psychic readings, metaphysical teaching, space clearing.

Licensed mental health counselor (LPC) in Oregon and Washington; see www.genderandsextherapy.com

Kris Demian

hestia35@comcast.nethestia35@comcast.net and on Facebook as Kristine Demien

Available for weddings, wiccanings, memorial services, life passage rituals,  coaching for general ritual construction and execution, and help with organization of Gaia-worshiping events.



High Clergy. Handfastings, Weddings, Parting of the Ways, Funerals, Coming of Age Rites, Healings, Spiritual Counseling, Divination, House/Space Cleansing/Blessings, Tantra classes, Basics of Magick classes, Spiritual Dance Classes/Workshops

Rose Stevens
Available for weddings, wiccanings, memorial services, life passage rituals, coaching for general ritual construction and execution, House/Space clearing/ blessing, Reiki and energy healing.
Licensed Massage Therapist in both Oregon and Washington
Orna Izakson

Rose Stevens
Available for weddings, wiccanings, memorial services, life passage rituals, coaching for general ritual construction and execution, House/Space clearing/ blessing, Reiki and energy healing.
Licensed Massage Therapist in both Oregon and Washington
Clergy Members without contact info

Jordan Feathers
Marcus Tempey
Brandon Price
Octavia Brooks
Melodee Silverwolf (d)
Marcia McReynolds
Tony Bubb
Rose Jobe (Stevens)
Kris Demian
Ellie Nye
Mary Kreibich (d)
Michael Agee
Aurora Sanquilly
Ken Jackson
Teri Ciacci
Madeline Adams
Benjamin Pixie
Lindsey Hagamen
Collett Chavez Walker (d)
Cybelle Clements
Gaia McTire
Remy Pandeia
Laura Jean Rankin
Trana Eir
Roxanne Harrison
John Harrison
Joel Curtis